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Network Monitoring

Application dashboard for network monitoring

DC-Net customers receiving managed VPN services can now monitor their network performance through a secure, customer-only portal with the low-cost Network Monitoring monthly subscription service.

Agencies can monitor and analyze real-time, in-depth, network performance statistics for routers, switches, wireless access points, servers and any other SNMP-enabled devices on their network.

The Network Monitoring service makes use of the following SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitoring features:

  • Web portal access through a secured login—Leverages existing Microsoft® Active Directory™ user accounts to provide login credentials.
  • Daily monitoring for each device on the network—Supports drill down on a device-by-device basis and display of detailed system information on your network device, server, virtual machine, or virtual or Fibre Channel switch.
  • Alerts and notifications via email
  • Error and problem identification—Enables quick and easily troubleshooting of network issues with SolarWinds LUCID™ interface.
  • Circuit utilization, plus memory and CPU.
  • Availability and uptime.
  • Top 10 reports—Out-of-the-box reports deliver insight into the health of your network or data center.
  • Inventory and reporting—Supports sharing of performance data with stakeholders who don’t have a login—easily schedule and export reports to a .PDF format.
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